Wine and cheese tasting – 4 wines+cheeses 25% of profit to Charity £20 – N15 4fa

Welcome to a wine tasting and cheese pairing with 25% of the profit going to charity. There will be 4 cheese paired with each cheese being paired to a wine and you will have a chart to take notes on the wine with some information about the wine and the cheeses.

Part 1 – Wine tasting
First we will try each all 4 wines (small sample) without any cheese and take notes on the wine.

Part 2 – Wine and cheese

After that we will try each wine with an accompanying cheese pairing and some more information about both will be disclosed (location, flavour profile etc).

25% of the profit will go to a local charity.


May 02 2020


10:30 am - 12:30 pm


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